Taking the Next Step: Your Right to a Jury Trial After Losing in District Court in North Carolina


Losing in district court can feel like a heavy blow. Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor conviction or other criminal charges, you might feel as though your chances for justice have been narrowed. But did you know that in North Carolina, you don’t have to stop there? Thanks to the state’s system of appeals for a trial de novo, you have an important right to appeal your district court case and secure a new trial in superior court. What’s more, this includes the ability to have a jury of your peers decide your fate.

If you're in the process of considering an appeal or just curious about how this works, here's a closer look at how the system functions and why it might be the next important step in your case.

What does “trial de novo” mean?

“Trial de novo” is a legal term that refers to a brand-new trial, as if the case never happened before. When you lose in district court, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1431 ensures that you have the right to request this fresh trial in superior court. This gives you a clean slate, meaning your case will be retried from the beginning, and any decisions or verdicts made in the district court won’t impact the superior court trial.

Right to a jury

One of the key benefits of this appeal is that N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-1201 guarantees you the right to a jury trial in superior court. In district court, criminal cases are often tried without a jury, but once your case is moved to superior court, you can demand that a group of impartial citizens hear the case. This can be a crucial legal lifeline to ensure that your case is considered by a fair, unbiased group rather than just one judge.

For example, in State v. Sherron, 4 N.C. App. 386, the court ruled that a defendant who was initially tried without a jury in district court had the right to appeal to superior court and request a jury trial. The court found this procedure in line with both the North Carolina Constitution (N.C. Const. Art. I, § 13).and statutory law, confirming that your right to a jury trial is preserved even after an initial trial without one.

Why it’s important

Appealing to superior court and opting for a jury trial can level the playing field. In district court, judges have the final say on the verdict. However, in superior court, a jury of your peers will listen to the evidence, deliberate, and come to a unanimous decision. This can lead to a different outcome—one that might be more favorable depending on the facts and how they resonate with a jury.

Procedural pitfalls

While the right to appeal is crucial, it’s not always automatic. To ensure your appeal is successful, there are some procedural requirements you must follow. State v. Coley, 257 N.C. App. 780,serves as a cautionary tale: in that case, the defendant lost his appeal because he failed to properly file a notice of appeal after judgment. Make sure you submit your written notice of appeal within the specified timeframe, as required by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7A-230. The timeline for appealing to superior court can vary depending on the specifics of your case, so it’s critical to act quickly. Generally, you must file your appeal notice within 10 days of your district court conviction. However, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney to ensure that all deadlines are met and that you are properly following the law because even a small mistake could jeopardize your right to a new trial.

Maximizing your appeal

Once you've appealed, it’s time to prepare. Your new trial is your opportunity to shine a light on your side of the story. It's not just about presenting your case; it's about presenting it better than you did the first time. You can challenge aspects of the district court decision, bring in new arguments, and have an entire new set of eyes (and ears) in the form of a jury.

An expert lawyer can help

Losing in district court is not the end of the line. In North Carolina, the law gives you the opportunity to appeal for a fresh trial in superior court, where you can have a jury decide your case. This legal avenue provides a second chance to present your case, offer new evidence, and seek a fair verdict from a group of your peers.

If you’re considering an appeal, don’t hesitate to consult with an expert attorney at Jetton & Meredith to navigate this process and ensure you’re making the most of your legal rights. The appeal process is complex, but it’s also an essential part of the checks and balances within the legal system. A successful appeal can mean a new beginning for your case.
