How to Have a Healthy Divorce: 5 Tips


More than 22% of first marriages end in divorce within five years, and 53% of marriages dissolve by the 20-year mark, according to 2011-2015 data from the CDC. If you are considering divorce, it's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health. Divorce can be overwhelming and stressful, but it doesn't have to be a contentious battle that affects your well-being. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to having a healthy divorce, here are a few tips to help you.

1. Ensure Divorce Is Final

Divorce can be a difficult and painful decision, but before taking that step, it's important to make sure you’re settled on this decision. If you are still questioning if you want a divorce, you may instead want to seek out a therapist, make time for regular dates with your partner, and try new methods of communication. Ultimately, the decision to divorce should be made after careful consideration and exploration of all possible options.

2. Define Your Priorities

Divorce can be a painful and tumultuous process, but it doesn't have to be filled with animosity and revenge. It's important for divorcees to set personal and attainable priorities in order to create a peaceful and productive separation.

Priorities can include:

  • Ensuring you are financially stable after the divorce
  • Establishing a healthy co-parenting relationship

While it's understandable to want justice and validation, focusing solely on these goals can often hinder progress and prolong the divorce process. By setting realistic priorities, you can set yourself up to move forward with a clear mind and a positive outlook on the future.

3. Be Cautious Who You Take Advice From

Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult and emotionally exhausting experiences in life. It's a time when you need support and guidance more than ever. While friends and family may be a source of comfort, relying on them for advice during this time may not always be the best course of action.

As much as they care about you and want to help, their input may not be based on legal expertise or an understanding of what you're going through emotionally. This is where seeking the support of a qualified attorney and therapist is crucial: a legal professional can provide the necessary legal guidance, while a therapist can offer the emotional guidance you need to move forward in a healthy way.

4. Communicate With Your Spouse

One of the most crucial aspects of going through a divorce is communication with your spouse. Although it can be difficult and emotional, working together to dissolve the marriage instead of fighting can help both parties exit the marriage healthier. Whether it's e-mail, text, or calls, communication is key. You can try to establish what method of communication works best between you and your spouse, and if possible, communicate directly. However, if necessary, your attorney can step in and help with communication as needed.

5. Take Care of Yourself

Divorce is a life-altering experience, and it can be tough to cope with the aftermath. You may not have planned for it, but that doesn't mean you should dwell on guilt or sadness for the rest of your life. It's important to allow yourself time to heal and then start fresh when the time feels right.

You can use this opportunity to invest in yourself and explore new interests, hobbies, and activities. Lean on the support of friends and family during this transition and focus on moving forward.

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally and mentally draining experience. At Jetton & Meredith, PLLC, our experienced divorce lawyers understand the challenges that come with this difficult life event. We are committed to helping you navigate the legal process while providing compassionate guidance through each step of the way.

If you're going through a divorce or considering one, reach out to us for the support and legal advice you need. Call (704) 931-5535 or contact us online.
