Many North Carolina parents find it difficult to successfully co-parent their children following a divorce. In many cases, one parent may harbor resentment or frustration towards the other parent, which can have an impact on the children and their home stability. However, there are some ways that parents can make the transition easier for themselves and for the kids.
If two parents attempt to co-parent without having set goals in mind, they are less likely to succeed. Both parents should view each other as a partner in a partnership. Because emotions can get in the way when parents are trying to make co-parenting work. Parents should focus on the solutions to problems with their custody schedule instead of turning the situation into a blame game. To assist with this, setting up boundaries that determine how and when the parents can communicate with each other can also reduce frustration around the whole situation.
In cases where one parent may be more dedicated than the other to making co-parenting work, arguments may possibly occur. One parent may attempt to bait the other parent into arguments by saying rude comments or accusing the other parent of sending school schedules or other important information. Instead of adding to the argument, the accused parent should step back and ask to come up with a solution.
When parents go through a divorce, custody and visitation can be difficult to determine. If one parent is given primary custody, a family law attorney may help the other parent protect the bond that they have with their children by working out a visitation schedule. If the other parent lives far away from the kids, the attorney may negotiate certain creative arrangements that can allow the parent to maintain a strong bond with their children.