From technology to laws, society is always changing. Over time, we make little improvements that tend to have a big impact on our lives. One such improvement was the establishment of alimony, also called spousal support. It came about during a time in which a divorce could be financially devastating to a woman, especially if she did not have a job. But with so many women in the workforce now, some have asked whether the continuance of alimony is a necessary part of the legal landscape anymore.
If you’re like some divorcees here in North Carolina, then you might believe that alimony is wholeheartedly necessary, even in the face of changing employment trends. That’s because, like many of our Charlotte readers, you understand that not everyone’s situation aligns perfectly with the public standard and if the “breadwinner” of the family leaves, this can lead to financial problems for the other spouse.
There are plenty of stay-at-home parents in our state who rely on their spouse to financially support the family. If that spouse were to leave because of a divorce, the support would be gone. This can be incredibly problematic for a no-income or low-income spouse who may not have the skills or education needed to get a well-paying job after a marriage is dissolved.
This type of situation best exemplifies why a spouse might request alimony in a divorce. The financial support that their ex-spouse would provide each month may be necessary to avoid suffering from considerable debt or relying on government subsidies to get by. It may also help the receiver partially maintain the standard of life they were used to prior to divorce while also giving them the needed funds to get the education and skills needed to enter the workforce and begin supporting themselves later on.